

I'm so tired of being alone. I'm not lonely. Loneliness is a feeling of needing to be with others. I don't feel that. I'm just tired of being alone. I'm a woman, 40 years old, and cancer took my youth. My hands are weak. My body fails me continually. I push and it pushes back. I haven't been in a relationship in a while now. I've managed to build a life on my own. I have a career, a beautiful house, a fun car, 2 good kids.. and I've built it alone. I'm overwhelmed. I can't keep up with the house, kids, lawn, vehicles, job, and everything, alone. It's hard doing it all alone. I look around at others with spouses and I'm jealous. I want a partner, a teammate, someone who shares in the joys AND the bullshits of life. I'm at the point where I'm giving up on life. I'm very close to leaving my kids and life in KY to go somewhere alone. My kids are my everything.